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Gülay Karadere (Dipl.-Psych.)
Research Associate
Instrument zur stressbezogenen Tätigkeitsanalyse bei Freelancern
Short abstract
The ISTA-F measures the stress-related working conditions of freelancers and is used in the field of ABO psychology. The test construction was based on the ISTA by Semmer, Zapf and Dunckel (1999) and the action-theoretical requirements, stress and resource model by Greif (1991). The ISTA-F comprises three main scales (stressors, resources & requirements) with different numbers of subscales and a total of 87 items. Reliability: The internal consistency according to Cronbach was between alpha = .62 and alpha = .95 and the retest reliability between rtt = .54 and rtt = .82 (interval: 1-3 months). Validity: The procedure is valid in terms of content. The factorial validity was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. As proof of construct validity, the significant intercorrelations of the subscales as well as correlations with three state of mind scales (irritation, psychosomatic complaints, joy of work/pride) can be used. To check the criterion validity, regression analyses were calculated with the result that the ISTA scales prove to be predictors of well-being indicators.
Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID). (2019). Open Test Archive: ISTA-F. Instrument zur stressbezogenen Tätigkeitsanalyse bei Freelancern. Available at: https://www.testarchiv.eu/en/test/9007847
Clasen, J, (2019). ISTA-F. Instrument zur stressbezogenen Tätigkeitsanalyse bei Freelancern [Verfahrensdokumentation aus PSYNDEX Tests-Nr. 9007847 und Fragebogen]. In Leibniz-Zentrum für Psychologische Information und Dokumentation (ZPID) (Hrsg.), Testarchiv. Trier: ZPID.
Short information
Short Name ISTA-F
English Name Instrument for the Analysis of Typical Stress-Related Work Characteristics of Freelance Workers
Authors Clasen, J.
Published in Test archive 2019
Copyright/Licence Copyright Autoren; CC-BY-SA 4.0
Key words Job Analysis; Task Analysis; Work Load; Working Conditions; Job Characteristics; Occupational Stress; Communication; Cooperation; Income Level; Self-Employment; Social Support; Health Promotion
Language versions deu
Construct Stressors, resources and requirements analysis
Application age Professionals with a solo employment
Item number 87 items
Subscales (1) Stressors, (2) Resources, (3) Requirements
Application Time approx. 30 minutes
Interpretation time No information.
Internal consistency: Cronbach's alpha = .62-.95. Retest reliability: rtt = .54-.82 (interval: 1-3 months)
Findings on content, factorial, convergent and prognostic validity.
None; Reference data: Means and standard deviations.
Applications Occupational psychology
There is no abstract in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
There is no review in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
First published in
Clasen, J. (2012). Instrument zur stressbezogenen Tätigkeitsanalyse bei Freelancern auf Basis des ISTA von Semmer, Zapf und Dunckel. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 56 (3), 123-142. PSYNDEX Dok.-Nr. 0254947
Contact information
Prof. Dr. phil. Julia Clasen, Psychologie und Führungslehre an der Hochschule der Akademie der Polizei Hamburg, Carl-Cohn-Straße 39, D-22297 Hamburg