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Biographischer Fragebogen
Short abstract
BIFA offers an inventory to the diagnostician with which the central structures of a life story can be determined quickly and practically. The BIFA consists of 40 statements, which are assigned to a total of four evaluation scales: (1) Favourable vs. unfavourable primary socialisation, (2) Self-confidence vs. self-insecurity, (3) School commitment and (4) Child contact behaviour. Reliability: With the exception of the scales "school commitment" and "childlike contact behaviour", whose test retestreliability with rtt = .76 and rtt = .77 was slightly lower than the estimates with Cronbach's Alpha, the reliability calculated here was Alpha = .86-.91. The reliability of the test was calculated with the exception of the scales "school commitment" and "childlike contact behaviour". Validity: The validity of the content was confirmed by a comparison with previous biographical questionnaires, which showed that five of the six identified central dimensions of the biography (family, social activity, school, occupation, personality, health) are also present in the BIFA. Standards: A transformation table of the raw scale values into percentile and T values is available, calculated on the basis of the calibration sample of 517 persons.
Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID). (2019). Open Test Archive: BIFA. Biographischer Fragebogen. Available at: https://www.testarchiv.eu/en/test/9003960
Bühler, K.-E., Bardeleben, H. & Kollmannsperger, E. (1999). BIFA. Biographischer Fragebogen [Verfahrensdokumentation und Fragebogen]. In Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID) (Hrsg.), Open Test Archive. Trier: ZPID.
Short information
Short Name BIFA
English Name Biographic Questionnaire
Authors Bühler, K.-E., Bardeleben, H., Kollmannsperger, E.
Published in Test archive 1999
Copyright/Licence Copyright Authors; CC-BY-SA 4.0
Key words Biographical Data, Neuroticism, Socialization, Patient History, Family Background, Educational Background
Language versions deu
Application age Adults (18 years and older)
Item number 40 items
Subscales (1) Favourable versus unfavourable primary socialisation, (2) Self-confidence versus self-insecurity, (3) School commitment, (4) Child contact behaviour
Application Time ca. 15-30 min.
Interpretation time ca. 15 min.
Internal consistency: Cronbach's Alpha = .74-.88. Retestreliability: rtt = .71-.91.
Hint on validity of content.
N = 517 (1995); T score and percentile range.
Applications Diagnostics, Therapy, Research
There is no abstract in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
There is no review in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
First published in
Bühler, K.-E., Bardeleben, H. & Kollmannsperger, E. (1999). BIFA. Biographischer Fragebogen. In Leibniz-Zentrum für Psychologische Information und Dokumentation (ZPID) (Hrsg.), Elektronisches Testarchiv. Trier: ZPID. https://doi.org/10.23668/psycharchives.338 PSYNDEX Dok.-Nr. 9003960
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Contact information
Prof. Dr. med. habil. Karl-Ernst Bühler, Dipl.-Psych., Emeritus, Institut für Psychotherapie und Medizinische Psychologie der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Haafstraße 12, D-97082 Würzburg