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SIVA: 0-6
Das Strukturierte Interview für das Vorschulalter
Short abstract
The SIVA: 0-6 is a structured interview conducted with parents of preschool-aged children between three months and 6;11 years. With this instrument, the most common disorders of preschool age can be assessed. The questions are based on the diagnostic criteria of the ICD-10, DC: 0-5 and DSM-5 classification systems, but also capture additional clinically significant information. The SIVA: 0-6 has a modular structure. There are a total of 17 modules for five age ranges 0;3-1;0 years, 1;1-2;0 years, 2;1-3;0 years, 3;1-4;0 years, and 4;1-6;11 years. Reliability: Interrater reliability was calculated. Validity: Construct validity and criterion validity of the SIVA: 0-6 were tested. Validity was shown in distinguishing children with and without a diagnosis of internalizing disorders.
Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID). (2021). Open Test Archive: SIVA: 0-6. Das Strukturierte Interview für das Vorschulalter. Available at: https://www.testarchiv.eu/en/test/9007915
Bolten, M., Equit, M., von Gontard, A. & In-Albon, T. (2021). SIVA: 0-6. Das Strukturierte Interview für das Vorschulalter [Verfahrensdokumentation, Interviewleitfaden mit den Modulen 0-16, Handbuch, Zuordnung Module und Interview und Diagnoseblatt]. In Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID) (Hrsg.), Open Test Archive. Trier: ZPID.
Short information
Short Name SIVA: 0-6
English Name The Structured Interview for Preschool Ages
Authors Bolten M., Equit M., von Gontard A. & In-Albon, T.
Published in Test archive 2021
Copyright/Licence Copyright Authors; CC BY-SA 4.0
Key words Structured Clinical Interview; Diagnostic and Statistical Manual; Biographical Data; Patients; Clinical Psychology; Psychiatry; Mental Disorders; Parents
Language versions deu
Application age from 3 months, until 6;11 years
Item number Items vary depending on the module
Subscales 17 modules
Application Time 60-120 minutes
Interpretation time No data.
Interrater reliability (%, Cohen's kappa k, Yule's Y): according to ICD-10 for externalizing (κ > .82, > 91.9 %), internalizing diagnoses (κ > .72, 93.5 %), excluding diagnoses: > 97 %; according to DSM-5 for externalizing disorders at k = .88 and Y = 1.0 and percent agreement of 96.4 %. For internalizing disorders: k = .77 and Y = 1.0 and percent agreement of 96.4 %.
Construct validity and criterion validity data; differences between children with and without a diagnosis of internalizing disorders.
Applications Practice; Research
There is no abstract in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
There is no review in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
First published in
In-Albon, T., Equit, M., Gontard, A. von, Schwarz, D., Müller, J. M., & Bolten, M. (2020). Das Strukturierte Interview für das Vorschulalter (SIVA: 0-6). Kindheit und Entwicklung, 29(4), 209–220. https://doi.org/10.1026/0942-5403/a000319 PSYNDEX Dok.-Nr. 0375339
- SIVA: 0-6 - Diagnosis sheet (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Manual (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 0 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 1 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 2 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 3 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 4 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 5 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 6 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 7 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 8 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 9 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 10 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 11 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 12 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 13 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 14 short version (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 15 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 16 (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Assignment modules and interview (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Test description (German) [PDF]
- SIVA: 0-6 - Module 14 long version (German) [PDF]
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Contact information
Prof. Dr. Tina In-Albon, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Leiterin des Studiengangs zur Ausbildung in Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie, Ostbahnstraße 12, Raum 139, D-76829 Landau/Pfalz
PD Dr. rer. nat. Margarete Bolten, Psychologin Neonatologie und IntestTeam, Co-Leitung Säuglingssprechstunde, Kompetenzzentrum für frühkindliche Fütter- und Essstörungen, Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel, Spitalstrasse 33, CH-4056 Basel
Prof. (apl.) Dr. Monika Equit, Leitung Psychotherapeutische Universitätsambulanz, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Universität des Saarlandes, Geb. A 13, Campus, D-66123 Saarbrücken