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Deutschsprachiges Instrument zur Erfassung der Kollektiven Orientierung
Short abstract
The Collective Orientation Scale is an adaptation of the Collective Orientation Scale by Driskell et al. (2010) and measures the tendency of a person to work cooperatively and goal-oriented with others. The psychometric quality was assessed on the basis of three studies. The KO scale contains 16 items in two subscales (affiliation & dominance). Reliability: The internal consistency is at Cronbach's alpha > = .74. Validity: Evidence for convergent and discriminant validity as well as prognostic validity (criterion validity) is available.
Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID). (2020). Open Test Archive: KO. Deutschsprachiges Instrument zur Erfassung der Kollektiven Orientierung. Available at: https://www.testarchiv.eu/en/test/9008059
Hagemann, V. (2020). KO. Deutschsprachiges Instrument zur Erfassung der Kollektiven Orientierung [Verfahrensdokumentation und Testbogen]. In Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID) (Hrsg.), Open Test Archive. Trier: ZPID.
Short information
Short Name KO
English Name Collective Orientation Scale - German version
Authors Hagemann, V.
Published in Test archive 2020
Copyright/Licence Copyright Author; CC BY-SA 4.0
Key words Job Analysis, Ingroup Outgroup, Collective Behavior, Group Decision Making, Group Structure, Cooperation, Work Teams, Group Participation, Interpersonal Communication, Group Cohesion, Dominance
Language versions deu
Construct Collective Orientation
Application age Employees aged 18 and over
Item number 16 items
Subscales (1) affiliation, (2) dominance
Application Time approx. 3 min.
Interpretation time approx. 2 Min.
Internal consistency: Cronbach's alpha > = .74.
Evidence for construct and criterion validity.
Applications Research; Practice
There is no abstract in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
There is no review in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
First published in
Hagemann, V. (2017). Development of a German-Language Questionnaire to Measure Collective Orientation as an Individual Attitude. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 76(3), 91-105. https://doi.org/10.1024/1421-0185/a000198 PSYNDEX Dok.-Nr. 0330863
Contact information
Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann, Universität Bremen, Professorin für Wirtschaftspsychologie und Personalwesen, WIWI 1 Gebäude, Raum A2300, Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 1 , D-28359 Bremen