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Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale - deutsche Fassung
Short abstract
The PSAS is a self-assessment tool and measures the level of cognitive and physical arousal in the pre-sleep phase. Cognitive arousal refers to intrusive cognitions experienced as uncontrollable, while physical arousal refers to the perception of vegetative arousal, for example in the form of racing heart or excessive sweating. It consists of two scales: (1) Scale for recording physical arousal (8 items) and (2) Scale for recording cognitive arousal (7 items). Reliability: The internal consistency was Cronbach's Alpha = .94 (cognitive arousal) and Alpha = .80 (physical arousal). Validity: The validity of the procedure is supported by expected correlations between the PSAS totals and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (Physical arousal: r = .55; Cognitive arousal: r = .61) and between the PSAS total and the PSQI subscales of sleep latency, sleep duration and sleep efficiency (Cognitive excitation: r = .62, r = .27, r = .20; Physical excitation: r = .40, r = .27, r = .16). In addition, the PSAS subscales could distinguish well between bad and good sleepers.
Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID). (2019). Open Test Archive: PSAS. Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale - deutsche Fassung. Available at: https://www.testarchiv.eu/en/test/9006721
Gieselmann, A., de Jong-Meyer, R. & Pietrowsky, R. (2014). PSAS. Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale - deutsche Fassung [Verfahrensdokumentation und Fragebogen mit Auswertung]. In Leibniz-Institut für Psychologie (ZPID) (Hrsg.), Open Test Archive. Trier: ZPID.
Short information
Short Name PSAS
English Name Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale - German version
Authors Gieselmann, A., de Jong-Meyer, R., Pietrowsky, R.
Published in Test archive 2014
Copyright/Licence Copyright Autoren; CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0
Key words Psychophysical Measurement, Physiological Arousal, Sleep, Sleep Onset, Sleep Wake Disorders, Rumination (Cognitive Process), Intrusive Thoughts, Anxiety
Language versions deu
Construct Pre-Sleep Arousal
Application age 18 years and older
Item number 15 items
Subscales (1) Physical arousal, (2) Cognitive arousal
Application Time approx. 5-10 min.
Interpretation time approx. 5 min.
Internal consistency: Cronbach's Alpha = .94 (cognitive arousal), Alpha = .80 (physical arousal).
Findings on convergent validity; Mean differences between sleep types
None; Reference data: Means and standard deviations.
Applications Research
There is no abstract in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
There is no review in English available. Short information about the measure can be found under Overview. More can be found on the German pages.
First published in
Gieselmann, A., de Jong-Meyer, R. & Pietrowsky, R. (2012). Kognitive und körperliche Erregung in der Phase vor dem Einschlafen. Die deutsche Version der Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale (PSAS). Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 41 (2), 73-80. PSYNDEX Dok.-Nr. 0255861
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Contact information
Prof. a. D. Dr. Renate de Jong-Meyer, Emeritus, Psychologisches Institut I, Psychologische Diagnostik und Klinische Psychologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Fliednerstraße 21, D-48149 Münster
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Pietrowsky, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Abteilung Klinische Psychologie, Universitätsstraße 1, D-40225 Düsseldorf
PD Dr. Annika Gieselmann, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Universitätsstraße 1, D-40225 Düsseldorf